Hey girl!
Happy Monday! ☀️
Today, I want to encourage you to take the time you need to rest and do something refreshing! 🍃
The culture of this world tells us to go nonstop, do more, and it can feel almost wrong to stop and take a minute.
But, our bodies, minds, and souls need time to rest to stay healthy and to keep our cup filled up so we can continue pouring out in life and ministry.
What fills up your cup? I created a little note on my phone recently of some things that help refuel my tank:
Picking out a card + sending it to loved one 💌
Sunshine ☀️
Walks outside in God's Creation 🍃
Farmer’s markets 🥕
Coffee (or I've been loving matcha in this season!) with a friend 🍵
Getting a new plant 🪴
Grocery shopping at Costco 🛒
Singing and dancing 💃🏻
Worship music + praising Jesus 🎵
Going to our favorite park 🌲
Cooking a yummy, nourishing meal 🥘
Laughing with my husband ❣️
Buying a bouquet of flowers 💐
Whether you are needing “fuel" this week that is relaxing and restful like turning off your phone and watching a sunset with God or something energizing like driving to a new beautiful place, I invite you to intentionally incorporate something life-giving into your week!
Comment below and let me know what are going to do to refill your cup! I'd love to know and get more ideas from you!! ☺️
Cheering you on, sister!
P.S. — If you would like someone to walk alongside you in helping you refill your cup and create a sustainable lifestyle, click here to book your free consult to learn more about faith-based health coaching. 🍓 I have a huge heart for helping other ladies recenter their wellness around Christ and establish long-lasting healthy habits around nutrition, sleep, stress management, exercise, and more! 🌳
Also, if you would like to subscribe to the email list to receive more heart-to-heart encouragement like this, click here! 💌