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Remembering to Remember

Writer's picture: Heather LindsayHeather Lindsay

Hey girl! 


I hope you are well! ☀️ 


Lately, I've been in a season of resting, being refilled, and remembering. Remembering is something I'm really wanting to work on.  


As the waves of life continue rolling, I'm reminded today of how important it is to be people who remember and consciously take time to meditate on and praise God for all that He has already done in our lives. The ways He has provided. The seas He has parted for us. The oasis He led us to in the desert. The daily bread He has given us to nourish and sustain us. The sun He pulled up into the sky each morning with a warmth of new mercies. 


Sometimes with my life and health journey, I can be very focused on the next thing, wanting to know what is around this long bend in the road, and eager for God to answer my prayers. But, today, I'm reminded that so often, I spend days, months, and sometimes years yearning to see that next thing ahead, but then when God answers that prayer or provides direction or a blessing, I quickly rush on to the next thing… not even fully realizing or sitting in what He just did… or thanking Him. 


Biblically, in God's Word to us, He teaches us to be a people who remember. 


I believe that this is what helps to steady us and keep us grounded in the joy of knowing who holds us. 


So many moments, I'm SO ready for God to flip to the next page of the story and get to the next “big moment”. But, today, I'm reminded that He has already intentionally and so perfectly written 28 years in my story, and Psalm 139:16 tells me He already has thoughtfully ordained every day to come. 


"Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." —Psalm 139:16 (NIV)


Today, I'm reminded of how much He has so graciously provided beyond what I could have ever imagined… better than I could have ever wanted for myself or thought I needed. He created me and knows EXACTLY what I need. Even the things I don't understand, He has a great, loving purpose for it.


I think I'd be a lot less stressed, have a calmer nervous system, better digestion, better detoxification, higher energy levels, and be a much healthier human if I spent more time reflecting on all that God has already done for me. 


Today, I invite you to make a “thank you list” with me… 


To thank God for the many gifts and ways He has provided for us throughout our lives up to this point. The comfort, calm, and joy that fills my soul when I ponder these things starts to change my entire outlook and demeanor. ✨


"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds."

—Psalm 9:1 (ESV)


As I was writing this email, a beautiful instrumental song came on… guess what the name of it was?! “Looking Back”!! 🎶 


Give it a listen while you sit with God and write your “thank you list”. 💛


I know my emails lately have probably felt like more heart-to-heart journal entries and less “watermelon has the antioxidant lycopene that can help protect your cells from damage” LOL. But, I think these examinations of the heart are just as important as examining what is on our plate or how many steps we are getting when it comes to our health holistically. 🍉

P.S.Click here to book your free consult if you are interested in faith-based health coaching. I love helping other ladies recenter their wellness around Christ and establish long-lasting healthy habits around nutrition, sleep, stress management, exercise, and more! 🌱

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